All together, I'll spend about 24 hours in the air! I'll also spend my entire experience of Saturday, May 24th, 2008, in flight, because my plane leaves LA just before midnight Friday night (Pacific time) and lands in Brisbane early Sunday morning (their time) as I cross the international date line during the 14 hour flight. (Some of you will be more interested in that random fact than others :-)
I hope to find internet access either in the major airports along the way, or at my hotel in Port Moresby. If I do, I'll post an update or two on how the trip is going so far. If not, the next time you'll hear from me will be after I arrive in Ukarumpa!
I'm excited and a little bit nervous at the same time to be finally starting this adventure. It's going to be a whole new experience for me, traveling alone - not only out of the States, but to the other side of the world - while dealing with major jet lag and adjusting to a new environment and culture. Those are all prayer requests that you can keep in mind over the next few days. :-)
we are praying for you...safe flight!...you'll enjoy it
I received your card in the mail. Thank you for the update. You can count on me to pray daily for you. Love and Hugs to you. Aunt Mollie
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