That was the plane that took me across the Pacific last night. I'm in the Brisbane airport right now, relaxing a bit before my next flight leaves. It's a beautiful morning here, and so far the trip has gone smoothly. The PNG visa process is still upcoming, but I trust that God will work that out as He has everything else so far.
I saw the longest sunset (3 hours) and slept through the longest night (I lost track of the hours) of my life, as I was traveling west the whole time through the air. It was nice to finally see the sun rise this morning as we were landing. I feel pretty good right now, despite the fact that I should be very jet-lagged. Right now it's fun to hear all the Australian accents around here... and I can even watch a cricket match on TV if I want to. This is a very comfortable airport in which to have a layover.
Thanks for your prayers! Almost there!
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