Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, I'm here safe and sound in the Brisbane airport again. Unfortunately, I just found out my next flight to LA is way behind schedule, which means that customs and everything in LA is now compressed into a 20-30 minute window at best, and at worst, I'll land in LA after my next plane to New York has departed. So... if you read this between now and sometime Sunday morning EDT, please pray that all goes well! Thanks!

That said, my last few days in PNG were relaxing. I had some time to myself in the hotel to kind of reflect on everything. This morning's sunrise (as seen from the POM airport as I was boarding my plane) was beautiful, and it made for a nice last glimpse of PNG.

That's all for now, as my internet time is almost up. Hopefully I'll be home in less than 24 hours!

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